Frequent questions
When was MediaFire launched?
MediaFire was launched in 2006. This cloud storage service was created in Texas County and attracts millions of users from all over the world each year.
Can I share a file hosted on MediaFire?
Yes, sharing a file hosted on MediaFire is easy. Simply copy the generated link for each of the files or folders and send it to anyone you like. They will then be able to download the content in just a few seconds.
Can I use MediaFire on PC?
Yes, you can use MediaFire on PC. The service has a web version so you can upload and share content through your computer, without using an Android smartphone.
Is MediaFire free?
Yes, MediaFire is free. You can store any document, photo or video in the cloud to access your files whenever you need them. However, you will have limited storage in the free version of the app.
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